Street Fighter Legend Of Ansatsuken

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You can vote for street fighter legend of ansatsuken game if you liked the game, also you can embed street fighter legend of ansatsuken game to your page/profile. Click on the textbox below to automatically select all, and right-click to copy your street fighter legend of ansatsuken game code! The ever popular Ansatsuken practioners, Ryu, Ken and Akuma together in this ultimate Street Fighter shirt! Shoryukening though all the competition since '87 with no sign of slowing down! Ryu and Ken live a traditional warrior's life in secluded Japan. The boys are, unknowingly, the last practitioners of the ancient fighting style known as 'Ansatsuken' (Assassin's Fist).

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What is Street fighter legend of chun-li. Which member of the Street Fighter cast was invited to be an honorary member of the X-Men in the Marvel vs. Capcom storyline? What is Chun-Li 400. Killed ryu and ken's master. Ryu uses the Ansatsuken fighting style to pulverize his opponents. Which move helped him defeat Sagat in the.

Captain Blues: Whew…Man this is killing me… Ansatsuken new chapter time. So a reviewer recently pointed out something funny in a PM. They said that my fic and Rain's fic Forged in Hellfire: Lost Souls Reborn were like mirrors of one another. Another person commented that but as I re-read that fic and started to work on a new chapter, I kinda see what they mean. It's like an alternate version with Street Fighter being the main focus and to be compared to Rain's fic makes me all warm and fuzzy as successor to his ship. Also…


I can't believe I forgot to do this at the start of the fanfiction. The ages of our genin cast was bumped up by 3 years. So Naruto and Gaara are ages 15 instead of 12 while others like Haku and Temari are bumped up 2 years so they are 17 for example. This was supposed to be flagged at the start of this story but I'm an idiot sometimes, the ages of everyone else (such as known Chūnin or Jōnin) remain the same.

Now with all that hot-dogging and grandstanding out of the way, let's set sail!

Chapter Nine: Determined Words and Melted Ice


Naruto skidded backwards on his heels on the front of the tree as three clones advanced and began to rapidly jab at him. Naruto attempted to block each strike as fast as he could

A fourth clone's foot tripped him up, which caused Naruto to fall off the front of the tree and onto his back on the ground but flipped to his feet as the four clones landed on the ground and caught the jab of the first clone then pushed the clone forward into a right hook to dispel it.

He then twisted his body to simultaneously avoid a straight kick to his head and leapt into the air to deliver a roundhouse kick to the back of the second clone's head, which dispelled it.

With his momentum from the round house kick kept, Naruto allowed himself to spin around to deliver another kick to the face of his third clone as he shouted 'Shunpūkyaku (Twirling Gale Kick)!'

Naruto landed on his right foot and the third turn of his body and landed a final kick to the fourth clone's chest, which dispersed it, leaving him in front of his fifth and sixth clones.

Naruto used his right forearm to block a left jab from his fourth clone then ducked and blocked a low right kick from the fifth clone with his left hand before he rose up sharply with a shout of 'Shōryūken: Dragon Smash!' and delivered duel rising uppercuts, his body spinning to hit both clones, dispelling them.

Naruto landed on the ground and turned his body to see two more clones in a mad dash towards him. Naruto looked behind him and saw the tree and hissed as he brought his hands together cupped them at to his right side and where energy began to form in his palms as he ran forward.

Street Fighter Legend Of Ansatsuken

This was his moment to finally succeed…

With eyes glowing with power, a focused Naruto leapt into the air and lunged his hands forward with a shout of 'Hadōken!' as two clones launched themselves at him.

As medium length orb that swirled with energy escaped from Naruto's hands and managed to nail two the clones, energy repeatedly drilling into them before both the clones and the attack exploded, leaving a small flutter of energy behind as Naruto's body flew back from the release of the attack.

Naruto's feet collided against the ground where he then skidded backwards on his feet and landed on one knee, a wild grin on his face. After four days of intense training, with his entire body sore to the point of breaking, he had finally done it.

He had successfully done a Hadōken. It was the intermediate one from the range and the size of it compared to he saw in the scroll but it was way better than the near palm version of the Hadōken was.

Speaking of which, now that he could pull of the Hadōken, what would he name the beginner version? It had no name to speak off and despite it being short ranged, Naruto could work it into his move set but he didn't want to confuse the two.

'If the Hadōken or Surging Fist was the more taught version…Then maybe I should call this super closed ranged one the Gadōken….The Self Way Fist…Yeah that's perfect,' Naruto said as he opened his scroll and began to write down the Gadōken as the Hatchling's version of the Hadōken.

'There, so no one else can be confused…If I pass this on of course,' Naruto murmured as he leaned against a tree.

The sun was high in the sky as Naruto sat against the tree, his body barely hidden by the nice shade the leaves provided him. He had found this spot near a mile away out of Wave's exit village during his trek four nights and had been training since.

In that time, he was able to successfully tree walk, do his first Hadōken and perform the Shunpūkyaku but the strain his body felt from each success was brutal.

He knew in time that he would be able to successfully pull them off consistently but he definitely needed more training so for now, the newly christened Gadōken, the Shōryūken: Dragon Smash and Tornado would have to suffice but at least he was progressing through the Hatchling Style nicely.

Naruto let out a yawn and shut his eyes and began to doze off.

After four days of intense training, it was time he got some rest…


'Naru-nii! Where are you?!' The small voice of Emi shouted as Haku looked around with a subtle look of distress on her face.

'Naru-nii?!' she yelled again, her voice taking on a sadder tone, which made Haku's heart clench up in misery.

It had been four days since she last saw Naruto it was killing her. She had looked high and low throughout the village but there was no sight of him.

The first day he was gone, she had chalked it up to him being with his team but on the second day when she went to Tazuna's home, Sakura had explained that Naruto had been missing since that night he walked out.

Worried, Haku had gone to the orphanage with the hope that Naruto had gone to see Emi the day before or that day but when she asked Emi, the little girl had said he had not visited and immediately grew upset.

Haku regretted telling her but when she tried to leave, the little girl wanted to help find him since they were both so nice to her and unable to shake the warmth that filled her chest, Haku accepted and together on the second and third day, they searched the deceptively large village for him.

But to her surprise, they didn't find him on those two days and with each second that passed, the more terrified she became.

Had Zabuza gotten to him before her mission was up?

Had that egotistical monster Gatō or someone associated with him gotten to Naruto?

'Haku-nee, will Naru-nii come back?' Emi asked with a tearful expression after thirty minutes of search led no results once again. 'I don't want him to go away,' she sniffled out.

Haku stared down at the small girl then knelt down to embrace her. Since Naruto had gone missing, Emi had looked as worried as Haku felt and for some strange reason, it made her angry at Naruto, despite her worry.

Haku smiled at the small girl and replied 'He will. I'm sure of it…'

He was supposed to be her enemy and yet, the thought of him being out of her sight scared her more than she thought it would. 'Come on Emi, let's keep looking for him,' Haku gently told the girl.

Emi nodded and together, she and Emi continued day three in search of the blond shinobi.

But as they did, Haku replied that night in her head to try and figure out why Naruto had gone missing.

The last time she saw him the night she came over for dinner…


'This good is delicious,' Haku said to Tsunami as she dug into the beef and rice. It had been an hour since she had arrived at Tazuna's home with Naruto and so far, she was having a fantastic time and she found out so much.

Hatake Kakashi was a laid back pervert who read Icha-Icha Paradise in front of his students.

Haruno Sakura was a smart girl who was enamored with Uchiha Sasuke.

Uchiha Sasuke was one of the last Uchiha clan members and was mostly quiet and kept to himself but seemed polite.

And Uzumaki Naruto…

There were too many words to describe him but the word that Haku associated with him the most was 'The Heart' of the team. And it made sense. If it was just Kakashi, Sakura and Sasuke, she doubt anything would get done but Naruto was like their anchor in a way.

He brought Sasuke out of his shell, he helped Sakura talk about anything else other than the Uchiha and pulled Kakashi out of his book enough to engage with his students, even if it was them trying to take a peek at his real face for most of the dinner.

Or in this case, puns…

'Okay,' Naruto began. 'You guys hear about the new restaurant called Karma? There's no menu - you get what you deserve.'

Haku giggled as Sasuke and Sakura groaned. 'Stop it Naruto,' Sakura whined out. 'You're going to get Kakashi-sensei started.'

'Dope, I will kill you,' Sasuke threatened but Haku could hear the faint good natured tone in his voice.

'That was pretty impressive Naruto,' Kakashi said with a nod.

'Oh Kami, it's starting,' Sakura whispered to Haku, who smiled.

'I have one. Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak,' Kakashi said.

There was silence until both Naruto and Haku began to laugh. 'That was a good one Sensei,' Naruto said with a wide smile. 'But I got a better one. What do you call a bee that can't make up its mind? A maybe.'

'Ugh…' Sasuke groaned out. 'Kill me now…'

'The furniture store keeps calling me to come back. But all I wanted was one night stand,' Kakashi quipped with a laugh.

'But who will kill me if I kill you?' Sakura replied to the now despondent Uchiha.

But despite how annoyed they were at the pun-off, they seemed to enjoy it as well from the tiny smiles they had. It was at seeing this that Haku began to understand that Naruto bought out the jovial nature of everyone he met.

'You make me sick…' A small voice told them, which prompted all of them to look at the small boy at the entrance of the kitchen.


Haku had seen this child around the village a few times since she arrived. Normally at the dock with a fishing pole but lately, she had seen him following Naruto. Because of her own mission, she never knew why but it seemed like now was the time she would find out.

Haku could see Naruto expression change from surprise into a soft gaze appeared on his face but surprisingly, the Uchiha's face softened as well, but it was more subtle than the blond's.

She looked back at the boy and saw hopelessness, loneliness and turmoil.

Too much for a small child to have…

'What do you mean?' Naruto asked him softly, his voice laced with kindness.

'Trying to make everyone so happy and cheerful?' The boy asked, his own voice thick with sorrow, his eyes hidden by his hat. 'Every day you walk around this village, always sticking your nose in everything even though you nothing about this land or its people. You keep trying to bring joy and happiness when there isn't none!'

'Inari,' Tsunami admonished but Haku could see the tears fall down the young boy's eyes.

'He's not a match for Gatō's men! None of you are! No matter how nice you are and how cool you act, you'll always lose because strength always wins out over kindness!' Inari yelled out before he pointed to Naruto and said 'And it makes me sick at how frivolous and carefree you act with us when you know nothing of the pain we've endured!'

Haku could see Kakashi give Naruto a look and while it was subtle, she could see his body stiffen and his eye have a look of remorse in them.

She suddenly saw Naruto stand up and walk to the small boy and slowly, he knelt down so he stared the boy in the eye. 'You're right. If you feel like I disrespected you and your village by trying to make light of all of its sorrows then I'm sorry,' Naruto told him softly. 'I can be a moron at times but the one thing that I will never do is belittle the pain you feel.'

The boy looked surprised at his words but Haku could see that despite the soft tone, Naruto's eyes showed a hidden anger and pain within them. 'And while I won't belittle that pain, you shouldn't go around acting like you're the only one that hasn't experienced it,' Naruto told him with a firm tone.

'You haven't-' Inari began.

'You have a mother, right?' Naruto asked sharply. 'You have grandfather?'

Inari paused.

'Do they love you? Feed you? Protect you? Support your dreams?' Naruto counted off questioningly. When Inari didn't answer, Naruto barked out 'Do they?!'

'Yes!' Inari exclaimed in surprise.

'I never had that luxury,' Naruto replied softly with a haunted tone. 'I never had anyone that loved or cared for me. The village that I come from, they treat me as if I'm nothing but a ghost to them because of their own bullshit fears about something I'm not. Hell, I so unwanted, not even the orphanage wanted me…I knew nothing of love of companionship for a long time.'

Haku was stunned to hear Naruto speak so candidly regarding his past and even felt her heart break at how alone he truly sounded in this moment.

'I never had anyone to love or care for me so I had to resort to being a prankster to get anyone to notice me…Can you imagine your life without your mother or grandfather around? Can you imagine being alone and unwanted? Can you?' Naruto asked him.

Inari looked down as more tears began to fall in earnest. 'No,' the boy croaked out.

'Then I envy you for having that…' Naruto told him as Haku saw his eyes shining in pain but just like that, the pain was gone and a smile was on Naruto's face, the pain replaced with a fierce determination.

She watched as the shinobi placed a hand on the boy's covered head and said 'I don't know what you lost that made you lose faith and happiness…but when things get tough, at least you know you're not alone because you have that support system I don't have.'

Naruto gave the kid a wide smile. 'Shit may be bad right now but trust me, it will get better and you know why? Because but I'm making it my personal mission to stop him once and for all. No matter what it takes,' Naruto told him with a determined tone.

'But why?' Inari whispered to him 'Why does it matter to you so much?'

Naruto's smile lessened into a smaller, gentle smile. 'Gatō has made you and your entire village cower in fear of him and those he hired and I don't take to kindly to bullies like him. Plus…and it might be silly…But I don't like seeing children cry…' Naruto responded before he stood up and walked away.

'Was he telling the truth?' Haku asked, almost shocked at her own words as Inari stood there in stunned silence.

'Every word,' Kakashi sighed out sadly.

Haku quickly excused herself and ran out of the house.

She had to find him.

Haku continued to think until she and Emi found themselves at the exit of the village that led west but as she thought more about it, she began to understand more about Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto was a gentle-hearted shinobi that hailed from Konoha. He always went out of his way to help people and seemed to be a rather skilled shinobi but after what she found out, he was also an unloved, discarded orphan in a village that hated him for something she had no clue about.

He must have been so sad and alone for so many years and seeing Inari and Emi the way he did only made him hurt further.

He saw himself in them.

'Bringing a smile to the faces of those I help makes it worth it,' his words echoed within her mind but this time, she saw them in a new light.

It wasn't just the old man that had set Naruto down this path…No one had been there to make him smile when he truly needed it…And because of that, he went out of his way to make others smile.

To give them the comfort and joy he had never been given…

'Oh Naruto…' Haku whispered softly.

'Haku-nee, why are you crying?' Emi asked.

Haku blinked and reached up to touch her face. She could feel the moisture beneath her fingers and realized she had been crying. 'I'm just worried Emi-chan,' Haku told her. 'But it'll be okay once we find Naruto…'

But moments after she said this, she saw it. A little ways outside of the village gates, she saw a figure sitting beneath a tree and despite the shade, she saw that familiar sun-blond hair.

At this point in her life, she could recognize him anywhere and apparently, so did Emi because without hesitation, she ran off with a shout of 'Naru-nii!'


Naruto's eyes to open drowsily only to feel the little girl collided into his side, which sent him falling to the ground.

Despite the small body, she felt heavy.

Must have been due to how weak his body felt from the endless training.

'Emi-chan?' Naruto said he leaned up off the ground with a lot of difficulty and stared at the small blue-eyed girl who sobbed into his chest. 'Hey…What's wrong?' Naruto asked with concern.

'I-I was scared you went away!' Emi wailed as she dug her face into his chest. 'Haku-nee and me looked all over for you and you were gone!'

Guilt filled him as he gentle hugged the girl and murmured 'Hey, hey…I'm sorry Emi-chan. I should have come and visited you before I left but I had to train to stop that mean old Gatō from making more people cry.'

'R-Really?' Emi sniffled out.

Naruto nodded with a smile, hiding the wince of pain.

Even his face hurt from all the training.

'O-Okay…' Emi murmured, her blue eyes shining with as much understanding as it could for such a young girl. 'But you gotta visit if you leave again? Okay?'

'Okay,' Naruto replied before something occurred to him. 'Wait, you said Haku was with you?'

Emi nodded as she wiped her tears.

Naruto looked around for a moment only to see Haku in the distance. She had her arms crossed and he could feel the simmering anger radiating off of her, even at this range. He had really made her angry…

'Come on Emi-chan….Let's go see Haku-chan,' Naruto told the little girl.

She nodded and scooched off of him so Naruto could stand up. His entire body trembled in both pain and exhaustion but he made sure to pick Emi up, despite the difficulty, and slowly made his way to Haku.

As he made his way to Haku, he saw that there were several emotions that sat on her face. Anger, Relief and Sadness but the strongest one was Guilt but he wondered why.

Street Fighter Rpg

She had no reason to feel guilty.

'Haku-chan,' Naruto began the moment he stood in front of her.

Haku took Emi out of his arms, which caused the small girl to protest but with a small smile to the girl, Emi calmed down. With some difficulty, Naruto summoned a clone, which caused Emi's eyes to widen in shock.

'Whoa…Two Naru-niis?' Emi whispered in awe.

'Yep,' The clone said with a smile. 'Why don't I take you back to the village and play while Boss and Haku talk. That sound fun?'

Emi looked conflicted as she turned to Naruto and Haku. 'No worries Emi-chan, we'll join up with you,' Haku said sweetly.

'Promise,' Naruto said with a grin

Emi nodded with some reluctance before she began to walk back with the clone, who immediately tossed her into the air began to run while holding her up, which made her squeal in happiness.


Street Fighter Legend Of Ansatsuken Download

Naruto and Haku both watched the pair leave and once they entered the gates, Naruto suddenly fell forward, his legs giving out from the heavy exhaustion but Haku caught him. 'Oh Naruto…' Haku whispered softly. 'Why did you push yourself so hard?'

'Sorry…' Naruto whispered softly.

Naruto felt Haku adjust until his arm was over her shoulder and together, they began to walk towards the village entrance slowly. 'Why did you leave like that? You had your teammates worried, you had me worried but you had Emi worried too,' Haku admonished with a frown.

'I'm sorry…' was Naruto's simple but genuine reply.

Street Fighter Legend Of Ansatsuken

'You were gone for four days Naruto….' Haku told him, a little harsh. 'Why didn't you just tell me that you wanted to train? I wouldn't have gotten so concerned if you had.'

'I had to do,' Naruto said.

'You had to?' Haku repeated.

'I did,' Naruto replied.

'Did Inari's words hit you that hard that you had to put your body through this?' Haku asked him, her voice shaking with anger.

Street Fighter Legend Of Ansatsuken 2

Naruto paused and looked down.

Haku stopped as well.

'I don't know what happened to Inari that made him this way,' Haku told him as she moved just enough to keep him supported along with facing him. 'But you shouldn't take his feelings and beat yourself into the ground because of it. Nor anyone else's.'

Street Fighter Legend Of Ansatsuken 2 Game

Naruto looked away from her. 'Haku-chan…I…'

Haku placed a finger over his lips, her eyes softening. 'I know now the reason behind why you do the things you do…But you have to remember something. People do care about your wellbeing. You don't have to destroy yourself to make others happy…You deserve more than that.'

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Naruto looked down. 'I don't know what I deserve,' Naruto told her, an unsure tone in his voice.

Slowly, Haku lifted his head up so he could look at her. 'You deserve everything this world has to offer…' she told him softly. 'And I wish I could give that to you…'

Naruto stared at her in surprise at her words but it was then something shifted in his heart and he could tell that something shifted within Haku's as her eyes softened in a way he had never seen before.

Slowly, the pair tilted their heads as they leaned in close and with the sun high in the sky, green leaves falling all around them from the gentle sea-breeze, their lips connected in a gentle kiss.

Captain Blues:….Fuck.

Street Fighter Legend Of Ansatsuken Hacked

The Avarice Prince:…If you kill off the Ice Maiden, they are going to kill you. That's all I have to say on the matter Captain.

Ruby-Eyed Queen: I wonder what the dear Captain will do….

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